Saturday, November 1, 2008


We had so much fun taking Austin Trick or Treating. We went over to Clint and Kimberly's for dinner and Haley was dressed up as Minnie Mouse. The two of them together were so cute! They loved going through their candy with Grandmommy when we got back to the house. She showed them which pieces were safe to eat and the unsafe pieces were eaten by Daddy!

1 comment:

Laurie Goodrich said...

Hi Courtney,
I looks like you had a GREAT BIRTHDAY, in style!!! I love all your pictures and captions. You are so creative!!! It really helps us to keep up on the little guy. Krysta is trying to talk me into posting on face book. I guess I am going to have to start taking pictures, which won't hurt me a bit. Love ya and hope you had a great birthday!

Little Twin Pirates!

Little Twin Pirates!